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Joeri Verdeyen

Web-engineer, cyclist, Nespresso lover, Strava pusher.

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Downgrade an application installed with Brew Cask

Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to macOS applications and large binaries alike.

Most Casks are updated with the latest version of an appliation. But sometimes you want an older version of a Brew Cask application. You can track a Cask’ history on GitHub, e.g. Vagrant. I’ll be using Vagrant as an example during this guide.

How to find an application’ Cask file

Go to Homebrew Cask’ GitHub project page, press t, type in your application name.

View Cask history

Click the *.rb file of an application, and click the history button.

Pick a version

View the commit messages in the application history and click a hash.

Install older version

Remove the current version with the brew cask uninstall command.

brew cask uninstall vagrant

View the whole file on GitHub and copy-paste the raw link

brew cask install

Thanks for reading

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